Artificial Limbs: The Ghostrunner's left arm is replaced by a crude mechanical version after the original was ripped off by Mara.

Anti-Hero: He's not very sociable and has no problem butchering his enemies, but he's fighting a tyrannical Mad Scientist and a manipulative A.I trying to control him and everyone else in Dharma Tower.It is revealed he never had a past life, being built in laboratory from a single human cell. Amnesiac Hero: He doesn't remember his past and seek for answers.The Ghostrunner was meant to be a mindless if effective security robot, but as you progress, he exhibits more and more of a personality, empathy, and self-determination until he actively revolts against the Architect when he realizes that Adam is just as callous and cruel as Mara. The Ghostrunner eventually takes it as his actual name in his final confrontation with the Architect. Affectionate Nickname: Zoe calls the Ghostrunner Jack, apparently after a comment her friend Diego made about him being "all jacked up" when they were repairing him.But since his rebuilding, he began to change. Defeated by Mara when attempting to prevent her takeover, he is eventually found by a resistance group called the Climbers who fix him up, allowing him to finish his job. He is a cyborg who was programmed for fighting using a blade and ninja-like agility.